· Mengisi formulir pendaftaran , diketik rangkap 4 (empat)
· Melampirkan :
A Surat pernyataan di atas kertas bermeterai cukup yang ditanda tangani oleh pemohon, yang menyatakan bahwa merek yang dimohonkan adalah miliknya;
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B surat kuasa khusus, apabila permohonan pendaftaran
diajukan melalui kuasa;
C salinan resmi akta pendirian badan hukum atau
fotokopinya yang dilegalisasi oleh notaris ,apabila
pemohon badan hukum;
D 24 (dua puluh empat) lembar etiket merek (4 lembar
dilekatkan pada formulir) yang dicetak diatas kertas;
E Fotokopi kartu tanda penduduk pemohon;
F Bukti pembayaran biaya permohonan.
· Fill out the registration form, typed copies of 4 (four), attach:
A. Affidavit on stamped paper just signed by the applicant, stating that his brand is being applied for;
B. special power of attorney, if an application for registration
posed by the power;
C. official copy of deed or legal entity
copies are certified by a notary public, if
applicant legal entity;
Etiquette D / label 24 (twenty four), (4 pieces
attached to the form) that is printed on paper;
E. Photocopy of the applicant's identity card;
F. Proof of payment of application fee.
· Fill out the registration form, typed copies of 4 (four), attach:
A. Affidavit on stamped paper just signed by the applicant, stating that his brand is being applied for;
B. special power of attorney, if an application for registration
posed by the power;
C. official copy of deed or legal entity
copies are certified by a notary public, if
applicant legal entity;
Etiquette D / label 24 (twenty four), (4 pieces
attached to the form) that is printed on paper;
E. Photocopy of the applicant's identity card;
F. Proof of payment of application fee.
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